NES 2024 Was a Massive Success – Read All About It!
Attending the 2024 National Property Management Association (NPMA) National Education Seminar (NES) held in Reno was an absolute joy. We were not only honored to support NPMA, but also help fellow property managers who needed advice, support or even a provide information on a new asset management system.
The convention took place at the Peppermill Hotel and Casino, which might sound familiar if you attended the 2021 NES convention that occurred during the height of the COIVD 19 pandemic. To say the atmosphere of this year’s event was electric was an understatement. The Peppermill is one of the premier hotels in Reno offering the cities best amenities and a spectacular casino! The other massive difference from the last time we were here was the staggering number of faces. We were able to see old friends and make many new ones from the hundreds of property managers in attendance.

By midday of the first day the eQuip booth became a hive of activity. Word had gotten out that we brought a helpful and excited conference gift, an excel help mousepad. Within 3 hours we had given away every mousepad we had brought, but if you came by the booth and didn’t get one, now’s your chance to get yours! Click on the link below to request a mouse pad. Another hot commodity at the eQuip booth were our product and feature handouts. You can download both the GFP Reporting Module, and a general overview of eQuip.

The following day was another day of conversations with property managers eager to learn about eQuip, many of our guests had questions about the GFP Module from the previous day. Many we’re impressed at the ability to generate compliant GFP reports to PIEE in such a quick and efficient manner.

The biggest highlight of the second day and week overall had to be when our own Richard Wilson delivered his keynote speech on the Practical Applications of AI for Internal Training and Support. We will have a video of the keynote speech available in the coming days. In the keynote speech Richard spoke of two different use cases that he personified as the Guide and the Know-it-All. After the keynote, Richard encouraged guests to vote for what persona would be the most useful. After the voting the winner was clear. The Guide won, it was clear that voters wanted an AI tool that would train and upskill users.

Following the ending the events on Tuesday the team packed up the booth with the other vendors supporting NES, but even with our booth packed up we remained! This was because on Wednesday the eQuip team hosted its annual eQuip NES Luncheon! The Luncheon was hosted at Biscotti’s the classic comfort food restaurant inside the Peppermill, next to where NES was taking place. We discussed the latest updates, future roadmaps for eQuip and heard important feedback form our customers and prospects!
If you would like to download the eQuip Roadmap you can follow the button below to download your copy today. If you see any features or functionality that you would like to add please feel free to contact us and we can schedule a demo for you and your team.
The 2024 National Property Management Association (NPMA) National Education Seminar (NES) was a tremendous experience. Everything from the truly remarkable venue of the Peppermill Reno to the amazing guests and the informative discussions. Everything about the 2024 NES wonderful and we encourage you to be a guest as we will for 2025!
Don’t forget to read more about the eQuip GFP Module Reporting Kit by visiting our website: