eQuip Asset Management software is an easy-to-use, cloud-based asset management system that lets your organization keep track of its physical assets.
From easy-to-reach humans for all your technical and implementation questions to success stories, news, tools and guides, the eQuip Resource Center has everything you need.
eQuip is a complete asset management solution for defense manufacturers and others with complex asset tracking and compliance needs.
On-Premise Hosting is a method of software delivery in which the buyer owns the license and hosts data locally on internally owned servers and databases.
With On-Premise Hosting, you are able to own the perpetual licenses for single-site or multi-site deployment and the servers that eQuip is hosted on.
On premise hosting is useful if you need to utilize custom security tools or maintain information categorized as “Classified” or greater.
SaaS is a low-cost option that is excellent for mid to small sized organizations. It requires less maintenance due to updates being delivered automatically via the cloud.
Managed hosting can be deployed faster than on premise solutions, saving users internal and external labor costs. Additionally this option includes enhanced security, performance and integration features.
Both SaaS and Managed Hosting options can be provisioned in FedRAMP High Certified Government Clouds that are suitable for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
On Premise solutions are used by small to large organizations that demand total control over their asset information. Examples include Programs that are operating at “Black Sites”, SCIF’s (Sensitive compartmented information facility), and other restricted areas.
Ultimately, you should talk with the vendor to assess which option will be right for you and your organization.
Housing the software and data on your servers supports restricting system information access to only your Team members.
Implement security protocols to comply with “Classified” and greater information security requirements.
Zero reliance on external servers for connectivity. An On-Premise hosting solution isn’t reliant on a a fast and reliable internet connection and in some cases can be accessed without internet access.
You’ll see why our slogan is “Prepare to be Pain Free.”
eQuip is powered by Assetworks USA, LLC
Questions? Click here to email us or by phone at 1-866-845-2416