Recent changes in the DFARS clause 252.211-7003 paragraph “f”, relating to reporting Government Property lifecycle events, means that contractors will likely need to change or modify the systems they currently use to manage GP (Government Property). The DoD now requires government contractors to report shipment and receipt of GFP (Government Furnished Property) to the GFP Module in PIEE (Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment) instead of the IUID Registry.
To continue to ensure we are assisting our clients in obtaining and maintaining compliance, eQuip has developed a new set of features called the GFP Module Reporting Kit (the “GFP Reporting Kit”). The GFP Module Reporting Kit is designed to simplify reporting to PIEE and keep contractors compliant with the DoD’s latest requirements.
The GFP Reporting Kit At-a-Glance
The eQuip Reporting Kit covers the (4) components of PIEE’s GFP Module: (Ship & Receive, Plant Clearance Process, and Reporting Property Loss. Therefore, the eQuip GFP Reporting Kit is divided into 3 feature sets: Auto Ship & Receive, Plant Clearance Process, and Reporting Property Loss.) The full set of features, the eQuip GFP Reporting Kit, is available to existing eQuip customers utilizing our GovCon framework.
GFP Reporting Kit: Auto Ship & Receive
The Auto Ship and Auto Receive features within eQuip’s GFP Reporting Kit is designed to streamline the transactional process of both shipping and receiving government property. eQuip minimizes manually typing or filling out fields of data when adding assets; users can import data from the GFP Attachment or Shipment Document. This functionality greatly reduces the time it takes to add new assets into your database.

The features also include guardrails to ensure your data includes all needed components and is in the correct format. If eQuip detects data errors, it provides specific instructions on how to remedy the issue.
Once the needed data sets are entered into the receiving feature the system will then create a formatted excel document that has all the required documentation to report shipment (transfer) or receipt of property to the PIEE GFP Module.

Additionally, if the user somehow missed reporting received GFP to the GFP Module, the eQuip home screen displays alerts that guide users to processing the remaining records.
GFP Reporting Kit: Report Property Loss
Reporting property loss is a stressful and time-consuming process. eQuip now limits both time and frustration by greatly reducing the workload to report losses of assets in accordance with DFARS clause 252.245-7002. The new Property Loss feature within our GFP Reporting Kit ensures the user records all details required to submit a property loss event, stores images and other attachments relating to the loss, and auto-populates the Excel template that is directly loaded into PIEE.

GFP Reporting Kit: Plant Clearance
With the Plant Clearance feature of the GFP Reporting Kit, government property managers can now effortlessly create plant clearance schedules that can be directly loaded to PIEE. The interface produces formatted excel workbooks that are imported into the Plant Clearance. Like the other modules with the GFP Reporting Kit, the Plant Clearance feature also has detailed transaction and attachment history logs conveniently located on the same page along with a handy transaction editor if any mistakes or changes are noted and need to be made.
Do I Qualify For an Upgrade?
All customers utilizing the eQuip GovCon framework are eligible for the full set of features within the eQuip GFP Reporting Kit. Curious if your organization is eligible? Contact us for a quick evaluation.