DoD Update: Consolidation of GFP Reporting Related Clause (DFARS 252.245-7005)

A new DFARS clause has gone into effect on January 22, 2024, it is DFARS 252.245-7005. The clause consolidates multiple pre existing GFP Reporting clauses into a single rule and then adds a additional reporting requirements. The two biggest and noteworthy changes are requirements to marking serially managed reparable items with IUID tags and reporting of assets in under 7 days. Repeated failures of not reporting assets in 7 days can result in CARs issued to the contractor.

What’s DFARS 252.245-7005?

At its core DFARS 252.245-7005 consolidates three existing DFARS rules, 252.211-7007, “Reporting of Government-furnished Property”, 252-245-7002, “Reporting Loss of Government Property”, and 252.245-7004, “Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal of Government Property. These consolidations streamline the GFP Module reporting rules and simplify the reporting process. DFARS 252.245-7005 also removes 252.245-7001, “Tagging, Labeling, and Marking of Government-Furnished Property” while adding the new requirement of marking serially managed repairable items. Contractors will need to ensure that their property management system can handle the marking of serially managed assets to remain compliant. eQuip users can rest easy knowing that eQuip will keep users compliant.

What Needs to be Reported?

The most commonly reported concern about the new DFARS 252.245-7005 clause is the requirement to report qualifying lifecycle events within 7 days. Previously, the DFARS clause did not stipulate a specific turnaround time. Any contract that includes DFARS 252.245-7005 requires all GFP Receipts, Shipments, and Plant Clearance events to be reported within 7 days. Reporting is required for shipments that are directed to a government agency or contractor, and when dealing with assembly building when Serially-managed GFP items are incorporated into a higher-level component. 

Do I Need to Identify and Mark Reparables?

Reparables are typically, in unserviceable condition, furnished to the contractor for maintenance, repair, modification, or overhaul and in short, yes these will need to be marked. To do this, DoD Contractors, via the GFP attachment, are required to identify the reparable item as serially-managed, additionally The serially managed reparable must be “identified with an IUID data Matrix” (MIL-STD 130). These requirements mean that the UII must be assigned and the property marked along with Reporting and Registration to PIEE.

How eQuip Helps Users Remain Compliant?

With eQuip you will not have to worry about remaining compliant with these and future changes to DFARS. eQuip regularly releases updates and upgrades to ensure that your organization remains compliant. If you would like to speak to a representative to understand how we can automate reporting to the GFP Module and PIEE, fill out the form below and choose a meeting time that works best for you! 

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