Checklist: Contractor Self-Assessments

Why and How to Perform a Contractor Self-Assessment

A contractor self-assessment or CSA is a way to examine the effectiveness of your government property management system. This includes everything from the acquisition/receipt of property through property closeout.

Government contractors perform contractor self-assessments to determine the strengths and weaknesses in their property management system. This allows the contractor to fix those weaknesses before a DCMA audit.

Identifying weaknesses in government property management is incredibly important. We are seeing increased enforcement on compliance, especially when mission-critical assets from the Department of Defense are involved.

Currently, it’s advised for government contractors to perform a Self-Assessment occasionally at their own discretion. However, contractor self-assessments may soon become mandatory.

As requirements become more strict and CSA’s need to be performed more frequently, many government contractors may fall behind. These rapid changes create a steep learning curve for business owners and executives.

We’ve written before about how to ensure you perform a successful CSA. However, we wanted to provide a more detailed guide to walk you through the CSA process.

We’ve put together this checklist so you can understand why you should perform Contractor Self-Assessments, as well as how to do it.


Download a free copy of our CSA checklist by completing the form below: