How to Avoid Corrective Action Requests with Self-Assessments

Self-Assessments Can Prevent Corrective Action Requests

How can government contractors avoid DCMA Corrective Action Requests (CARs)? It turns out something minor, like a simple self-assessment, can help in avoiding Corrective Action Requests (CARs) for property system deficiencies. While the outcome ultimately lays with the government contract manager and the team assigned to the project, property managers who invest in relatively simple preventive measures like self-assessments can avoid costly and time-consuming corrective action plans. 

In a perfect world everyone would utilize a compliant system eQuip (powered by AssetWorks), with it’s out of the box Military DD Form 1149 Integration or rapid instant auditing, something that a spreadsheet just can’t do or won’t (depending on how it was crafted). When a lead property manager just can’t get a fixed asset management system that was designed for government contractors, likely due to a limited budget, what options do they have? Play

Oftentimes the simplest action that a defense contractor can take internally to avoid the CAR is initiating self-assessment. When was the list time you or someone within your department lead a comprehensive review of your written procedures? How long have these been in place and have any changes been made that puts you at risk of a CAR?  

Our Complete Guide on Avoiding Corrective Action Requests (CARs)

In our this comprehensive guide we summarize how government property managers can avoid Corrective Action Requests (CARs). In this guide, we review the NDIA Government Property Management Systems Committee guidelines for self-assessments as the following: 

  • The assessment methodology must be defined  
  • The utilized processes and FAR outcomes to be reviewed should be defined  
  • Parties performing the assessment should be impartial (when practical) and identified in the written procedures
  • The organizational scope of the assessment should be identified and should include the contractor’s entire property management system
  • The assessment frequency should be documented and based on the contractor’s risk level
  • The procedures should define a “defect” and subsequent corrective action requirements
  • Reporting requirements of self-assessments should be documented and identify who gets the report and when 

How We Can Help

Knowing what to do is just half the battle. There are many obstacles that exist that prevent successful assessment projects. Some managers can be reluctant to change, others will gravitate to confirmation bias, and some may ignore the findings… but the reality is, everything can be improved and protecting against CAR’s isn’t just for yourself, but the business you represent.  

Completing self-assessments will arm your team with the documented facts required to communicate your needs to management. If you find that after your self assessment that you can no longer manage your government property via spreadsheets or other software systems made to fit, reach out to our team. We’re happy to help and answer questions on the DD 1149 submission process or CARs overall, whether you’re an eQuip user or not. 

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