1. Service Availability.
• AssetWorks will provide access to the Software with a target scheduled availability of ninety-nine percent (99.99%) (exclusive of scheduled maintenance or any downtime attributable to Client or third parties) pursuant to the service measures and performance targets in Section 2 below.
• The routine server maintenance schedule is listed in Table 1. Such events can cause a service outage or have an impact on performance (such as slow response time).
• On occasion, it may be necessary to apply critical security patches. AssetWorks will make every effort to limit service interruptions for these activities to the timeframes outlined in Table 1. When an outage is required for critical security patches or updates, AssetWorks will notify the Client of the date and time
for performing the updates.
• Enhancements and modifications that do not require a service outage or affect Client workflows are
implemented as needed.
• Enhancements and modifications that require a service outage are scheduled during the normal
maintenance window, and Client will be notified in advance.
Table 1 – Scheduled Maintenance (U.S. Eastern Time)
Times Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Start 2:00 AM 6:00 PM 12:00 AM
Stop 6:00 PM 12:00 AM 6:00 PM
3. Support Service Measures.
Priority Level Definitions
AssetWorks’ issue priority level definitions are used to assist in the prioritization of handling requests.
We leverage the priority level set on issues submitted via the AssetWorks Support Portal. AssetWorks
will work with you to jointly identify the priority level. Accurately prioritizing your technical issue is
critical to our mutual success and the following guidelines will assist you in determining the appropriate
priority level. Regardless of the priority level, a designated contact will be available to work with the
AssetWorks Customer Support team while we resolve your issue.
Priority Application Status Impact on Business Description
Priority 1 Down Severe Operation Stopped
Priority 2 Up Significant Operation Restricted
Priority 3 Up Minor Work-around Available
Priority 4 Up Small or None Documentation, Help/Training, Feature Request
Priority 1 – Critical
The problem results in extremely serious interruptions to a customer’s production system. It has affected, or could affect, the entire user community. Tasks that should be executed immediately cannot be executed because of a complete unavailability of the system or interruptions in main functions of the production system. Data integrity is compromised or the service request requires immediate processing as the issue can result in financial losses.
Priority 2 – Urgent
The problem results in serious interruptions to normal operations or will negatively impact an enterprise-wide production system rollout. In a production system, important tasks cannot be performed, but the error does not impair essential operations, processing can still continue in a restricted manner, and data integrity may be at risk. In a development system, the problem hinders deployment. The service request requires timely processing because the malfunction could cause serious interruptions to critical processes or negatively impact business decisions.
Priority 3 – Important
The problem causes interruptions in normal operations. It does not prevent the operation of a system, or there could be minor degradation in performance. The error is attributed to malfunctioning or incorrect behavior of the software. The issue will affect a pilot or proof-of-concept deadline.
Priority 4 – Minor
The problem results in minimal or no interruptions to normal operations (no business impact). The issue consists of “how-to” questions, installation and configuration inquiries, enhancement requests, or documentation questions. If AssetWorks Support estimates that a reported technical issue or business situation requires additional attention, an internal management escalation procedure will be followed. A management escalation process will be enacted when response-time targets are, or will be, exceeded or when you are dissatisfied with the solution provided.
Response Times
AssetWorks’ Customer Support Team follows the service level agreements according to the priority level of the issue. The response times refer to regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Central Time, excluding holidays). Our Technical Support Specialists will acknowledge issues quickly then, if necessary, respond by gathering additional information about the issue and determining the steps required to reproduce the issue. Our technical support specialists communicate by e-mail and/or telephone. The Customer’s responsibility is to include as much information as possible to the support team. The sooner it takes for the support team to determine what an issue may be, the sooner an issue may be resolved.
Priority Acknowledgement Response Resolution Primary Contact
Priority 1 – Critical Less Than 1 Hour Less Than 1 Hour Within 1-4 Hours Tech Support Specialist (Works With Support)
Priority 2 – Urgent Less Than 1 Hour Less Than 2 Hours Within 1-2 Business Days Tech Support Specialist
Priority 3 – Important Less Than 1 Hour Less Than 4 Hours Next Maintenance Release Tech Support Specialist
Priority 4 – Minor Less Than 1 Hour Less Than 4 Hours Future Maintenance Releases Tech Support Specialist
Escalation Process
AssetWorks’ skilled Customer Support Team has a structured and systematic escalation process which ensures that the appropriate engineers are assigned to respond to issues efficiently and effectively. We use our escalation process as a guide when responding to issues and treat each issue uniquely to ensure that we best address the nuances at hand.
Priority 1 – Critical
The case is assigned a Technical Support Specialist who is identified to the customer. The assigned Technical Support Specialist is responsible for providing progress reports and the delivery of a response. The customer contact that opened the case is designated as the primary contact unless otherwise requested by the customer. A Support Manager is notified by the Technical Support Specialist after the case is verified as Priority 1. Status on the case is reviewed by the Support Management Team daily until a response is delivered.
Priority 2 – Urgent
The case is assigned a Technical Support Specialist who is identified to the customer. The assigned Technical Support Specialist is responsible for providing progress reports and the delivery of a response.
Priority 3 – Important
The case is addressed by the Customer Support Team who is responsible for delivering a response.
Priority 4 – Minor
The case is addressed by the Customer Support Team who is responsible for delivering a response
eQuip is powered by Assetworks USA, LLC
Questions? Click here to email us or by phone at 1-866-845-2416